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The Bliss of Freedom


The Bliss of Freedom is the natural expectation of our Spiritual being.

The vitality of freedom is a great fortune!


The golden key to this fortune of freedom is the achievement of sovereignty.

De Silva, H.D.

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What is Freedom?

Freedom is a wonderful state of bliss where one finds the absence of restraints, presence of choice, self-confidence, emancipation or independence. Freedom in its wholeness is the bliss that one experiences when one lives one's heart’s longing, expressing one's unique and gifted faculties for personal and greater good.


Freedom is vitality for our Spiritual being; it is the optimum wellbeing of our ethereal existence.

The Bliss of Freedom arises with the achievement of sovereignty.

What is Sovereignty?


Sovereignty is the personal power that stems from knowing our heart and its longing to grow and become.


Guided by the inner convictions of knowing who we really are, our best interests and the greater good, whenever we determine for ourselves our own actions and so express our uniqueness, we achieve sovereignty. Sovereignty is simply the achievement of knowing our unique-self and being this unique-self: in thoughts, words and deeds.

Sovereignty is the wholesomeness that lies midway between the ethereal extremes of submission (i.e. relinquishment of one’s personal power, individuality or uniqueness) and repression (i.e. gaining power over someone else, suppressing their liberty or individuality or uniqueness). In the ethereal realm, submission is humanity's greatest failure and repression is humanity's greatest fault, for they both leave one's Spiritual being in confinement. Confinement as defined here is a bleak state of illbeing where (without sovereignty) one finds frustration, restraints, control, dependence or enslavement.

Whenever we achieve sovereignty, we optimally satisfy our primary human need for personal growth and so experience the bliss of freedom.

The wholesomeness of sovereignty is humanity's greatest ethereal achievement.

How can I achieve sovereignty?

  • Know your unique-self: Discover who you really are and the set of skills you have that makes you unique.

  • Be your unique-self: in thoughts, words and deeds.

  • Don't readily adopt or be swayed by other people's ideology, mannerisms, ways, wears, habits or speech.

How do we achieve sovereignty?


To achieve sovereignty at a systems level, we need to sustain three essential elements:

1. The Wealth of Instruction

2. The Virtue of Mindfulness

3. The Mindset of 'Follow your heart, discover and express your unique faculties'.

When these three elements of wealth, virtue and mindset come together, we achieve the vital gem of sovereignty. With sovereignty, we experience a great fortune that is the Bliss of Freedom.

Achieving sovereignty

The Wealth of Instruction

Life Bliss: Live Better

A teaching that enables you to achieve an outcome is an instruction. A teaching that empowers you to discover your heart’s longing, express your unique faculties and unleash your prodigious potential for personal and greater good is a priceless wealth. This is the wealth of instruction.


Sovereignty Education is such a wealth of instruction.

Sovereignty Education

... in every adult there lurks a child - an eternal child, something that is always becoming, is never completed, calls for unceasing care, attention, and education. That is the part of the human personality that wants to develop and become whole."

- Carl Jung

Achieving sovereignty

The Virtue of Mindfulness

Life Bliss: Live Better

The Virtue of Mindfulness is the quality of examining, questioning and contemplating things to see if such things are conducive to our wellbeing, personal growth and becoming. Mindfulness is the presence of mind to accept that which is in the best interest of our heart’s desire to grow and become as well as the presence of mind to appropriately reject that which is not.

Often what we see and hear is coloured by assumptions, beliefs, prejudices, propaganda, framing, rumour, rhetoric, slander, spin, advertising or opinion. If we accept things as they are presented to us, without ever examining, questioning or contemplating them; such things may well confine us.

Whenever we are confronted by submission or repression (the causal conditions of confinement), this noble virtue motivates us to achieve sovereignty and liberate life.

“Find out just what any people

will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong that will be imposed upon them…”

- Frederick Douglass

Achieving sovereignty

The Mindset of 'Follow your heart, discover and express your unique faculties'.

Life Bliss: Live Better

Our ‘heart’ is our true-self, and our true-self is unique. To materialise this uniqueness is the life-longing of our heart. From the moment we enter the world, our heart guides us towards the fulfilment of this uniqueness.

Our heart’s tender voice may easily go unheard, overwhelmed by the cacophony of noises, images, communications and of numerous events that characterise our modern existence. In moments of solitude however, with a quietened mind, we can rediscover the inner voice of our heart.

The more we listen to our heart and follow it’s longing to grow and become, the more we discover our own uniqueness. The more confidently we express our uniqueness, through our unique faculties, the more we achieve sovereignty and experience the bliss of freedom.

"There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls."

- Howard Thurman

HEAL BETTER with Sufficiency

Life Bliss: Live Better

Beginning with the mindset of  ‘Follow your heart, discover and express your unique faculties’, whenever we access the Wealth of instruction and do so with the Virtue of mindfulness, we achieve the vital gem of sovereignty. With the achievement of sovereignty, we experience the splendid Bliss of Freedom.

Live Better with Sovereignty

Live Better with Sovereignty

Live Better with Sovereignty
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Sovereignty Education

Sovereignty Education

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5 Fortunes

The concept of Five Fortunes was first published by H.D. De Silva in 2009. A limited number of copies of this original publication, titled, Five Fortunes: A Guide to Fulfilment and the Universality of Human Wellbeing is still available for purchase. Please Click here to purchase your limited edition copy.

CC 2009-2024  H.D. De Silva.  |  CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC 4.0). For individuals, families and not-for-profit communities, the concept of Five Fortunes and related concepts such as Heal Better with Sufficiency are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). The use of this work by any other entity for any other reason/s is strictly prohibited without prior written approval and certified with a commercial licence. Please contact us via email: for a commercial license. All entities are responsible for their own actions, and as such H.D. De Silva, Life Bliss® and their associates and agents disclaim any and all liability for any and all misadventure/s arising or associated thereof.

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